Monday, July 1, 2024

July, Here We Come!

Just a quick post to say the writing is going well. I’ve got one flash story done, one in progress, and another slowly revealing itself to be something longer. 

I’m also getting some house projects done – cleaning out, cleaning up and decluttering. (I’m coming for you soon, bookshelves!)

I’ll take a break for our annual rewatch of Jaws around July 4th but if I stop too long, I’ll melt like a cup of Key Lime Pie ice cream left in the sun. (Sure, like ice cream would ever make it past my mouth, let alone make it outside.




How’s your summer going so far? Working hard, hardly working or something in between? Any summery movies or snacks you love? 


  1. Good job on the writing.
    I plan to avoid outside on the Fourth as it's to be way too hot for anything.

    1. Thanks, Alex!

      I hear you about the heat. If - and that's a big if - I go outside, I'm staying in the shade.

  2. It sounds like you're having a productive summer. I think watching Jaws on the 4th of July is a great tradition. That's a movie that has aged very well, still holds up even after all these years.

    1. So far, so good! :)

      It really is amazing how Jaws holds up. I throughly enjoy it every single time I watch it.

  3. Nice writing progress. I've been pecking away at some flash fiction between playing outside in the garden and the day job.

    1. Thanks!

      Flash fiction is perfect for pecking. Keep at it! :)

  4. I'm so excited to hear that the writing's going well! I'm currently ignoring multiple house projects...I imagine that will last as long as I can manage. :)

    Stay cool and enjoy Jaws!

    1. Thanks, MJ! Me, too. :)

      Believe me, the house projects we're working on have already been ignored for a long time....

      You stay cool, too. And let's all stay out of the water.... :o

  5. You and I share a love of ice cream. It's where I live when it's hot. hehehe

    1. The last time we were at the store, I saw some intriguing ice cream treats that might like to stop by for a visit. A brief visit.... :)

  6. Yes, we are deep in the doldrums of summer at my house. Mornings have no breeze and the humidity is a blanket. Then it gets worse because we are still under the edge of that heat dome.

    Fourth of July will be for keeping the cats settled, and an excuse for chili dogs.

    Best of luck with your writing, I have found a new way to take the original uberplot I had and flip it to something that might be socially acceptable.

    Started drawing up a cabinet to go between the washer and dryer, but I suddenly got old and came apart at the seams.

    1. The "doldrums of summer" sounds about right. Sigh.

      Hmm, do you really need an excuse to have a chili dog? :)

      Thanks, Craig. Good luck with that plot!

  7. Glad to hear the writing is working for you! I'm doing work around the house too. My son wants a desk, and his bedroom is a former kitchen, so I had to demolish a few cabinet bases to get him room. Got to do some decluttering while I was at it, getting rid of old toys he doesn't play with anymore.

    Hope your summer continues to progress well!

    1. Thanks, Loni. So far, so good.... :)

      And yeh for getting a big project done!
