Monday, June 3, 2024

Halfway There

The title of this post is not only because the year is almost half over but also because my husband and I started watching Thank you, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story on Hulu. (Let’s see who’s old enough to now have a certain song’s refrain in their heads. . . .)  

Checking in on my 24 in 2024 Trifecta goals/plans:


One Word 

My word for the year is Unapologetic. I’m to stop apologizing endlessly and needlessly, externally and internally. This is not going well. I’m still dithering, doubting, second guessing. 


The 24 in 24 List

This is also not going the way I’d hoped, and I’m not sure why. I’ve been struggling a lot with energy – emotional, mental, physical - and focus, so that might have something to do with it. 


The Write 24 in 24 Challenge

Yes! This is actually working. So far, I haven’t missed a day – knock wood! – and I’m keeping myself accountable, including setting loose monthly goals to give myself some direction. The best part is that it feels like I’ve found my creative joy again. I’m working on all sorts of things. I even wrote a 2500-word short story, something I haven’t done in a long time, if ever. 




Something I thought was absolutely hilarious from Austin Kleon’s free newsletter [5/17/24] – “Frederik Backman on Creative Anxiety and Procrastination.” Just make sure you’re not drinking coffee or anything because it’ll be all over your keyboard by the end of the 4 minute video. 




How’s your year going so far? Accomplished any goals? Made some progress? Decided to revise or scrap altogether? Any suggestions for getting back to my One Word and my 24 List? Have you laughed out loud recently? I hope so, since we’re all just livin’ on a prayer . . . .


  1. I remember when BonJovi's first album came out.
    At least your writing is going well.

    1. I knew someone around here would remember. :)

      And definitely about the writing!

  2. I have laughed out loud recently. It's difficult not to around my granddaughter. I'm doing okay on some of my plans and not so much on others. Come on, you can do it!

    1. Excellent on the laughing!

      Thanks, Susan, but I would say instead that WE can do it. :)

  3. I am glad that your 24 for 24 is working. I wish I could say the same about me; my writing is faltering.

    I might still be from missing my Queen, maybe it is the weather, which has been awful around Tampa.

    I have found Rebecca Roanhorse and Genevieve Cogman to keep expanding my world views, Annalee Newitz did with Four Lost Cities.

    Now I just to find some focus and get my nose back to the grindstone.

    I hope you have a great June, mine will get better if a real rainy season shows up to dent this heat dome.

    1. I'm sorry to hear the writing isn't going so well, Craig. Maybe try something like write for a few minutes every day in June? Or even try it for one week?

      I hear you about the weather. I read somewhere that just like some people get depressed in the winter, others can experience something similar in the summer.

      Maybe try writing something about the heat or a story that takes place in the summer? I have a couple of those I might jump to working on soon.

      Thanks, Craig. Hang in there!

  4. You did get me singing in my head with Bon Jovi. :)

    I'm glad the 24 writing challenge is working out for you! That's awesome! I am hoping my vacation will boost my own writing. *crosses fingers*

    1. Every time I look at this post I start singing in my head. :)

      Thanks, Loni! And I hope your vacation is all you want it to be. :)

  5. Now I have Bon Jovi stuck in my head. Which is definitely not a complaint! :)

    So glad to hear that the Write 24 in 24 Challenge is going well. I had to go back and look at the goals I had set for myself back in January and no...I am not making any progress on any of them. It's been kind of a weird year, though, so I'm attempting to give myself a pass. We'll see how it goes.

    Off to check out the creative anxiety video...right after I finish this drink.

    1. Right?! There are so many worse things to have stuck in our heads. :)

      Sometimes putting too much pressure on ourselves doesn't work out at all. Giving ourselves a pass might just be what's called for.

      I hope you enjoy the video! My husband watched it again the other day and still cracked up.

  6. I love the acoustic version of that song - I love the acoustic album - as well as, obviously, the originals.

    Apart from my book launch, I'm having a one step forward/one step back kind of year. I feel like I'm achieving nothing. Although today I realised it's more a 1.01 step forward to one step back, so I'm inching myself towards some kind of outcome.

    So good to hear you're enjoying the writing. Well done for keeping it going.

    1. I like the acoustic version but it's always the original that pops into my head. :)

      Inching yourself forward is still moving ahead. Just ask the tortoises. :)

      Congrats on the book launch!

      Thank you!

  7. Unapologetic is a tough word. I like it, but yeah - that would be a challenge. I recommend finding what you can say yes to, without apology and focusing on that - like is there a way to spin what could be an apology into a positive statement so you're replacing instead of just cutting? Not sure that makes sense, I'm literally spinning an idea while typing - so if it's rubbish, just send it to the bin (no apology needed). I'm glad writing is going well!

    1. I think I get what you're saying. And maybe it's similar to focusing on strengths and not weaknesses? Well, no matter what, I appreciate you trying to help! :)

  8. It's taking everything I have to plug away at my WIP. I've even decided to try creating a cover mockup of my latest to inspire me. So far I've written a couple k...

    I've spent hours on YouTube learning how to use Photoshop and then I began to wonder if it was another form of procrastination. I'm betting it is.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. A couple k is great!

      I think it's tricky. Learning something new is cool, but it does take time away from other things. So, who knows? :)

  9. I'm a little depressed now that I realize the year is almost half over and I've not done much of anything that I'd planned on doing. Egads!!!

    And yeah, I get it. I'm also livin' on a prayer.

    1. Maybe you didn't do the things you planned on doing, but knowing you, I'm sure you did a ton of other stuff. Besides, there's still time! :)

  10. I've made a major change in my working life, which is a bit scary, but has been a long time coming... and totally necessary.
    The change means I'll have more time to write... and to visit blogs. Win-win situation!!
    Actually, I wrote 2000 words earlier this month.
    I’ve never written 2000 words in one sitting – ever!

    1. Definitely a win-win situation! And whoo-hoo on those 2000 words! :)
