Wednesday, February 3, 2016

IWSG: Fizzle

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Hmm, so it's February 2016, and I've accomplished . . . nothing. 

Okay, not nothing but close to it. I don't exactly know what happened. A few real life incidents arose but nothing serious. I got new furniture for my office that took forever for my husband and I to put together, and my stuff is still kind of in flux. The weather has been funky for our area - cold and stormy, including nearby tornadoes - and that's thrown off some stuff, like exercise. Yeah, so what, right? None of this should've stopped me so completely. 

Probably the biggest issue is that I'm in-between writing projects. I'm dabbling in this and experimenting with that, trying to figure out what to throw myself into next. I'm at the point where no one idea is tugging at me, leaving me standing still, paralyzed with indecision. 

I really wanted to start 2016 with a bang, but so far I've only managed a fizzle. Sigh.

Any advice? Encouraging words? Chocolate?


  1. Definitely have some chocolate. At least you got new office furniture. That's always fun. Don't worry about the fizzle. I think you are doing great. The writing will return soon. Please stay safe.

    1. My husband and I learned long ago that we are not handy people, so I don't know what possessed us to put together furniture. Thankfully, everything turned out right side up. :)

  2. When I find myself procrastinating starting the next or a new project, I sit down with my notebook and start jotting down ideas for scenes and conversations. Usually it gets me excited to expand on it and then I start writing on the computer. Works for me but we all have our own process.

    1. That's usually what I do, too. I've got notebooks with all kinds of stuff in them, but nothing is screaming to me. Yet.

  3. Glad you weren't hit by tornadoes. Maybe that could be an inspiration for you?

    1. Me, too! It was scary enough knowing they were close - I don't even want to think about them actually hitting us.

  4. Being paralyzed with indecision would make anyone fizzle. I think once you settle on that next project you'll find yourself accomplishing a lot. Sending chocolate your way to help with the process.

    And I know it's been cold for Florida, but I still have to laugh. I just love it when it's "cold" like this. I'm actually comfortable then. :)

    1. Thanks, MJ. And thanks for the chocolate. :)

      I used to laugh when I saw people bundled up when it was "cold." Now I'm one of them. That's how I know I've lived in FL a long time. :)

  5. I had a slow start to the year too. January just flew by! Try some writing prompts. Those might help spur you on to something new. And chocolate always helps.

    1. Hmm, maybe for every prompt I work on, I get to have some chocolate? That could go really well or really badly.... :o

  6. Stick to it! You can find your traction at any point... if it hasn't happened yet, throw down some kitty little to give you some grip and start again!

    1. Good reminder about finding the traction at any point. I think I'll skip the kitty litter, though - the tortoises would eat it. :)

  7. Don't worry Madeline, about not starting the year with a writing bang. We have eleven more months to write lots and lots.

  8. I get inspired when I read writing-how-to manuals. They spark ideas and get my juices flowing. Let me know how you do. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I've got a few books on craft and creativity sitting on my shelf. Might be time to pull one of them down and give them a read or a re-read.

  9. You've gotten some great advice. I think I'd better take it as I feel a lot like you.

  10. A slow start can be a good thing because I already feel burnt out. The right project for you to do right now will arise. Patience. ;)

    1. You definitely have a lot on your plate right now!

      Thanks, Chrys. :)

  11. Hey, it's only Feb 1st! Plenty of time to conquer the world! Go for it!

  12. It seems like the start of this year has been slow going for lots of us. You will get your mojo back, no doubt. Here is some chocolate to get you started! :)

    1. It really does seem true for a lot of us.

      Thanks for the chocolate! I'm willing to share. :)

  13. Don't worry or kick yourself too hard. A fizzle can build up exponentially at any point :) and when that happens....BOOM!!! The words will flow so rapidly, your fingers won't keep up :) Have a great February!!

    1. I like that idea! Like the slow burning fuse suddenly exploding - KA POW! :)

  14. I wish I had chocolate for you. Sadly, I've eaten it all myself.

    I know what you mean about not really knowing which piece you should dive into. If there's no strong pull, it's easy to not get a lot written.

    Has there been something small (maybe even something you plan on NEVER showing anyone) that's been floating around your head? If so, I'd dabble in that. That's what I did to get the spark going. That, and take a break. Or read.

    You'll get back there. Eventually your muse will find herself knocking at the door again.

    1. Thanks, CG. I did work on a flash fiction piece with an upcoming deadline so that helped. And I've been doing a ton of reading - I'm even a bit ahead on my Goodreads Challenge.

      And I'll share my chocolate with you. The commenters here are very generous with their advice and encouragement and treats. :)

  15. I get like that when I finish a project. I drift for a while, unsure what to do. Eventually, I force myself to pick something and start working.

    1. I've been picking up smaller projects here and there, trying to do more reading, etc.

  16. Virtual chocolate and hugs!!! I'm thinking that you're just on that edge - perched and ready to fly at any moment. Or, the ideas are percolating and bubbling, but haven't quite set yet - but when they do, it will be great!!!

  17. I've experienced similar, though it's usually a case of having so much that I want to do, I freak out and do nothing. May you find chocolate. I've tried chocolate wine before, and I'd recommend a bottle, if you drink wine.

    1. Did you say chocolate wine?! Really?! Hmm, maybe it would be better if I didn't know about that....

  18. People but too much pressure of themselves in January. Life isn't a sprint. Sometimes a slow, steady burn is better than fireworks.

    With writing in particular I am a firm believer in giving a story a germination period before the actual, hardcore drafting. Time for a project to take root in your soul before it comes into full fruition. Be patient with yourself :-)

    1. Love the idea of projects taking root in my soul! Patience is not my strong suit, but I'm trying. :)

  19. Take that fizzle and save it for your champagne when you're celebrating all your success!

    Let me tell you that putting together office furniture would put me off balance too.

    1. Love that idea of the champagne fizzle! :)

      Who knew a desk and a bookshelf had so very many pieces?!

  20. Chinese New Year begins next Monday so you can start your New Year over again!

    I think experimentation and dabbling in various writing projects is a good way to develop your craft and stretch yourself.

    1. Good point!

      If I look at this as a time of experimentation and learning, maybe that will help me feel better, like I'm still accomplishing something.

  21. Uhg. The outta sorts funk is going around. I'm getting some good motivational pics/sayings off Pinterest to hang by my desk.

    1. It really does seem to be making the rounds. On the one hand, I'm glad I'm not alone. On the other, I don't wish this funk on anybody!

  22. Hey, you got office furniture put together. That's a big January accomplishment. Maybe throw yourself into another non-writing project and I bet while you're working on that, something writerly will start singing to you and demanding your attention.

    1. Good idea about doing a big non-related writing project! Will give that some thought....

  23. I've got a bucketful of chocolate and hopefully inspiration for you, right here!

    Seriously though.. random prompts! I go to this TV tropes website and they've got a generator that picks random trope for a plot... and I've gotten some cool ideas from it.

    But even a break could just be necessary to refresh yourself. Daytrip to some pretty natural thing? That always inspires me. I like the cold though, but maybe it's not ideal weather for you for that.

    Uhm.. don't know! Good luck!

    1. Thank you for the chocolate and all the good ideas! A day trip would be nice. Will have to check this weekend's weather....

  24. I'd be happy to share some chocolate.

    2015 was a whole year of feeling like I did a whole lot of nothing. I felt like I was busy, but have nothing to show for it.

    1. I bet you accomplished more than you think you did. There are so many little things we do that we forget about as the year rolls on. I'm trying to keep better track this year so in December 2016, I'll be able to look back and say "Remember when I did this and that and the other thing?" :)

  25. Here is a piece of Chocolate. I didn't meet all my goals for last year, so... Chocolate sounds good. Happy Belated IWSG Day
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  26. I feel the same...I think we need chocolate! I read that some people advice making a "Done" list instead of a "To Do" list and to look back at it at the end of a long day and celebrate what you've accomplished, rather than what you didn't get done.

    1. I've heard that, too. My only concern is that I'd look at the Done list and still not feel like I accomplished anything, like it wasn't enough. Sigh. I think I'm my own worst enemy.

  27. Chocolate, of course. But also, perhaps you want to just sit down and free-write. Set a timer and see what comes. It will keep your words flowing and may spur an idea. I've got the first draft of a novel almost complete that started with a free-writing exercise.

    1. I often forget about just free-writing. I get caught up in feeling like I HAVE to be in the middle of a big project, etc.

  28. Sounds like you need a break and to be kind to yourself, Madeline. Read some good books. Watch a movie or two. The words will come.

