Wednesday, June 6, 2018

IWSG: When Life Gives You Lettuce

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Waaaaay back in January, I wrote about having two big projects for the year. Well, we're about halfway through 2018 and my progress? Not so much. Why? The reasons are few, the excuses many. I now look at those projects with the same stink eye Larry gives me when he has to eat lettuce instead of strawberries.

I decided to take the summer to hunker inside my shell. It's time to reevaluate everything - from health to writing. I'm not exactly sure what this process looks like yet, other than taking more time away from screens and social media. I'll still be around, but I'll only be posting here at TSR a few times a month instead of every week.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to smuggle some strawberries to the tortoises. What can I say? I'm soft-shelled.


Have you had to reevaluate anything lately - goals, plans, life paths? How do you reset, regroup? What are you doing this summer? Anything you're looking forward to, excited about?


  1. That is a beautiful image... the stinkeye for lettuce instead of strawberries. I can picture it. We had a small tortoise at one time. He liked scrambled eggs best. Good luck with the health and writing!

  2. I reckon we all need to hunker inside our shells every once in a while. It's a good way to recharge our batteries.

    Me? I was feeling a teensy bit down about the slow sales on my new book, but I recharged my battery yesterday with a day out with my best gal pal. We went to lunch and to the movies to see "Book Club." Need a good laugh? See that movie! Preferably with a gal pal, so you can laugh together. We laughed until we cried, and when we were coming out of the theater, we both said we'd like to see it again.

    1. Sounds like you had a great time and are now all recharged. Excellent!

  3. Hi,
    I can not say how often I've had to regroup. Situations popped up suddenly and the best drawn plans fall by the way side and I find myself having to seek alternative routes or plans that will help me get where I want to go. It's not easy. I deplore taking the easy way out. I think that helps me a lot. I don't like being angry with myself so I go ahead and make myself do the things I need to do or find ways to do the things I need to do. Wishing you all the best in finding your way.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks so much, Pat.

      I don't like being angry with myself either, but I'm finding that happening more often lately. So, I'm going to release some of the pressure I put on myself, and hopefully that will help. :)

  4. I've started writing more proficiently lately. Actually, that's not true. I have too many projects and an affliction of short attention, so unless I have a deadline, I like to bounce between them. I finished 55K on one project, then jumped to a new one in May. BUT no more jumping for me. This is the next book on the publishing roster, so this is the one that will be completed next. I've decided that's how I'm going to have to do it--hold my feet to the fire based on which book will launch next. Not that I'll be putting any of these beauties out until I have the energy to handle the promotions behind them. Hey, by then I'll probably have six novels stockpiled and ready to go!

  5. We all need to sneak strawberries now and then. :) I'm behind on everything too. One project jumped in front of another and I panicked a bit. Trying to sort myself out this summer, and I'm counting down the days to our family camp vacation. Have a lovely week!

    1. I hope your family camp vacation is wonderful! Maybe it will help you sort yourself out so you return relaxed and ready to go. :)

  6. I'm kind of all over the place right now and am waiting for things to slide into place a bit better. Regrouping is just necessary at times. And recuperating. Strawberries sound like the perfect addition too!

    1. Hopefully things will slide into place for you soon. Have a strawberry or two! :)

  7. Better to stop and reevaluate than to keep moving forward in the wrong direction! Post when you feel like it. Besides, it's summer. Time for a little time off.

    1. Exactly, Alex! That's what I think I've been doing - moving forward but in the wrong direction. Or maybe just slightly off course.

  8. Just like last year, I've been struggling to write again this year. I had goals, but, just like you, I haven't gotten anywhere on them. I think my writing spirit needs a rest. Or a really good boost.

    1. Maybe the rest will give us the boost we need? Fingers crossed!

  9. I've taken a step back from writing because my daughters need my help as we drag ourselves through finals month. Algebra, biology, and history, oh my!

    1. Ugh! The only one of those subjects that doesn't make my skin crawl is history. Good luck to your daughters!

  10. It's definitely been a "life is what happens while you're making other plans" kind of year for me. Fair to say 99% has been off-script so far. I think taking the summer to re-evaluate, or just regroup, is a great idea.

    1. I hope it works. And if you give it a try, I hope it helps you, too. :)

  11. The title of your post made me laugh out loud!!! That would be an awesome book title for any genre. LOVE.

    1. I have to give all the credit to Larry. :) (Mrs. L enjoys lettuce more than he does so she rarely gives me the stink eye.)

  12. It's June already. I'm freaking out myself. You're not alone. Where has the time gone? I swear I only blinked. Good luck and I hope we both do better.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. Hi Madeline, like you I too am in a re-evaluating mood. I had decided I'll write two books this year, so far I have only managed to write their synopsis and edit my first adult novel.

    1. I know it's not what you intended but that still sounds like excellent progress!

  14. You know, I thought for a moment you were going to allude to lettuce killing us (like the e-coli romaine outbreak). I hope your hunkering proves to be productive!

  15. I'd love to see Larry's stink eye. Who can blame him? I'd do the same if made to eat lettuce. ;)
    I hope you enjoy the summer and come back feeling refreshed.

    1. And yet he likes other veggies! :)

      Thanks, Julie. Me, too.

  16. I've been evaluating some of my plans for this year, but I haven't made any decisions yet.

  17. I've had to hunker down and make healthy my #1 priority right now. It just is. But, a healthy diet is helping some of my symptoms and I can still eat strawberries! :)
    Hope your health and writing look up this summer!

  18. I wrote like I had a demon riding me between January and May, but then I submitted my thesis on the 7th and I... melted into an exhausted puddle of neurological goo. I've only just begun to recover and get back to writing, so I feel your pain and angst. Good luck!!

    1. Ah, puddle of goo! I know the feeling well. You just completed a huge project - give yourself a break! :)

  19. Sometimes the best thing to do is pull back into yourself for some "you" time. It's like a self-vacay and it is DEFINITELY good to do from time to time. Hope you feel re-energized come fall!

  20. It's a smart decision to cut back from social media including blogging so you have more time for other things. Best wishes for achieving your new goals.

    1. It's funny because I don't do all that much on social media, yet I still feel drained.

  21. I"m almost on track for my plans for this year. Except for the getting more exercise. That is my summer plan, to work that in.

  22. Wow, this is such a timely post for me. I recently re-evaluated almost everything, as sales aren't what I want them to be, the writing isn't happening as much or as fast as it should be, and I still wasn't exercising.

    I developed an ambitious daily plan that allots time for writing, exercise, marketing, blogging/commenting, teaching, and cleaning/organizing. It's really challenging, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick with it, but I hope so. I've already gotten so much accomplished and even joined a new gym.

    I toyed with cutting back on the blog too, but if I can just work on it for an hour Mon-Fri, I know it'll be a lot more manageable. Fingers crossed. I hope you can come up with a solution to your woes.

    1. It does sound very ambitious, JH, and if anyone can put it into practice, you can. Just don't push yourself so hard that you burn out. We don't want that!

  23. Loved your blog post title. It drew me right in :-) This summer is focused on getting the second book in my series done and surviving the heat. Taking time to regroup and reevaluate things is so important.

    1. Larry gets all the credit for the title. :)

      Good luck with the second book! And re the heat? Yeah, I'm right there with you.

  24. Ah I want to feed to tortoises strawberries. Love that idea. This is the second blog that has mention turtles. I think the other was Susan says. I like turtles.

    1. It's not so much me feeding the tortoises as it is the tortoises attacking the strawberries and me moving fingers out of the way as fast as possible. But it is fun to watch them chow down on a whole berry. :)

  25. Sometimes you really need time to refresh and look at how you're approaching things. I hope your downtime is productive and you get some things figured out!

    1. It really does help sometimes to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.
