Monday, March 26, 2018

Time Off for Creative Behavior

It's time for the April session of Camp NaNo, and I am ready to go! I'm wearing my Camp NaNo t-shirt and my Minion pajama pants. I've packed all the necessary supplies - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, wine, a giant flashlight that serves double duty - it's bright enough to illuminate all the dark corners of the woods (and of my mind) and it's heavy enough to thwack monsters, stunning them so I can run away screaming for help from either the tortoises or my husband.

And I've got a story draped over my imagination much like Spanish moss. It's been clinging to me for so long now that I've lost track of how many drafts it's gone through. But enough is enough. Writing this novella/novel is my fight of 2018, and April is the next round. Who - or what - will emerge at the end of this month?

"Because after all, 
isn't writing a novel 
a survival story of its own?" 
(Kathleen McCleary)

I'm pretty sure I'll make it - having gained a few pounds and lost a few more marbles. I think the story will survive - bloody and twisted. As for some of the characters, well, let's just say they really could've used that heavy duty flashlight to fight back against the baddies. Not that it would've done much good . . . .



Will you be going to Camp this month? Participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge? Undertaking some other creative project? Good luck to us all!


Since I'll be busy wandering around the deep, dark woods, weeping into my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups while wondering why I thought being a writer was a good idea, I'm taking a blogging break for April. I'll be popping in and out - as long as the flashlight works - but no new posts until May's IWSG. 


  1. Good luck with Camp NaNo. If what you wrote above is any indication, you're creatively ready to go.

  2. I signed up for Camp NaNo. Figured it would be a good way to make progress on the next book in my series. I'll need to stock up on some Reese's cups though.

    1. You'd better get stocking because I'm pretty sure I bought up most of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup eggs they have for Easter - yum! But I'd be willing to share, especially if you'd be willing to provide some milk. Or fight off a monster or two. :)

  3. Good luck with April's NaNo! It sounds like you have all the supplies in tow that you need ;)

  4. Enjoy Camp NaNo! I thought of participating but then I found out about my tonsillectomy. Darn tonsils.

    1. Excuses, excuses!

      Just kidding, of course! I hope it all goes well. :)

  5. Good luck, Madeline. I have a couple of promo events and a Jeffrey Deaver writing workshop on my schedule for April. I decided to pass on NaNo and A to Z so I could focus on my wip the rest of the time.

    1. Oh, I hope you do a blog post/write up of the Deaver workshop - I bet that will be excellent!

      Good luck with the promo events!

  6. Good luck with Camp NaNo!

  7. Best of luck with Camp NaNo! Your story sounds deliciously creepy! I'm taking April off too, though I'm not doing camp. It'll be mostly to see how much I can accomplish while juggling all the rest of life.

    1. I really hope it turns out as creepy as I imagine it. :)

      Good luck to you, too!

  8. I would love to take part in A to Z or Camp NaNoWriMo, but ... I have grad school and teaching and yeah. I have had to tell myself no several times, but I have some lists ready for next year for A to Z and a "month of poetry" idea ready for Camp next year.
    Best wishes thwacking all of the plot dragons with your heavy duty flashlight!

    1. Don't forget there's a Camp session in June or July, I believe. Maybe you could work on your poetry idea then!

      Thank you! Although, I think a plot dragon might be kind of cool, like mascot of sorts. :)

  9. Ooh, good luck, Madeline! I wish you well on your journey.

    As for me, I'll be juggling two books that are supposedly going to be finished at the end of April, which somehow also teaching four college classes (cue sad, incredulous laughter here).

    Wish me luck and pass me a peanut butter cup, please.

    1. Oh, JH, you will need a lot more than one peanut butter cup to get all that done! But you know what? You will rock it, you will do it. No doubt here! :)

    2. Thanks, Madeline. As it turned out, one book got finished and the other one suffered. Working on two projects at once does not seem to be in the cards for me.

    3. Well done on getting that one project done! And you also learned something about what works for you. I'd say that was a pretty successful month. :)

  10. "a story draped over my imagination much like Spanish moss" - so creepily evocative! I can't wait to read the finished product! Here's wishing you a productive and creative Camp experience. April is a transition month for me - I have no idea how anything is going to turn out, but it's going to be fun!

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Lee!

      I'm excited for you for the changes you're making. I believe it will all work out wonderfully!

  11. Happy camping and best of luck! I love the minion pajamas lol.

    1. Thanks, Julie! The fact that it's only pajama pants makes me feel like I actually got dressed. I mean, I put on an actual t-shirt. :)

  12. I know a couple writers doing Camp NaNo this year, but once a year is more than enough for me.

    1. I hear that! My goal this month is a lot less than 50,000 words so it feels easier. At least a little. We'll see....

  13. Good luck, Madeline! As for me, I'm in revision mode on my novel Spellfire's Kiss. I feel like it's so nearly ready, and I'm getting close to sending this one out to publishers or possibly agents. Enjoy the journey and all the magic and madness it brings!

    1. And good luck to you! Fingers crossed for when you begin submitting those queries!

  14. Hmm, I might emerge physically unscathed, but my imagination will take a beating. But then again, it's used to that. :)

  15. Wahoo! Camp time! You've got this and you're going to totally kill it. =) I can't wait to hear your success roar on the other side.

    1. My success roar is kind of rusty. My lack of confidence, anxiety-ridden whimper on the other hand....

  16. Mmmm... peanut butter cups. Hope you're writing like crazy! :)

    1. I believe, at this moment anyway, that more peanut butter cups have been consumed than words written. Sigh.
