Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Midweek Miscellanea - Monotasking, Poets, and Minions

I recently read two excellent - and somewhat related - posts over at Writer Unboxed: 

Liz Michalski's "That Crazy Friend" discusses the distraction of social media -"Shortly thereafter I realized that if the Internet took human form, I could arrest it for stalking."

Therese Walsh's "Monotasking: The Forgotten Skill You (and I) Need to Re-claim, ASAP" talks about our struggle to focus - "Our minds have become fragmented because we are living fragmented lives."


And speaking of being distracted and not focusing. . . have you ever wondered "Which Famous Poet Are You?" Me neither. But I still took this fun quiz and found out I am most like Emily Dickinson.  


And more distractions . . . a whole YouTube channel of Minions! Swing those pants, baby!  


  1. Something about Minions - they are just plain funny!

  2. YES! Social media has totally contributed to insanity and an inability to focus, if you ask me.

    Speaking of minions, I need to get back to that cloning device. It's going to work one of these days... ;)

    1. Social media definitely has its pros and cons. I continue to struggle with finding a balance that works for me.

  3. I think I have terrible distraction problems...hmm, maybe I shouldn't branch out into social media...

  4. I think the fragmented idea is so true and we allow it to happen.

  5. Any post that combines Emily Dickinson and the Minions has to be a winner - thanks for the link!

  6. I love those minions! And thanks for the great links above too! :)
