Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG: No More Excuses


In last week's Motivational Monday post, I talked about how I'm not accomplishing what I set out to do in writing and in life, and the biggest reason is because I am not doing the work. And I have no idea why.

I've got lots of excuses - it's hot, I'm tired, I'm much more easily distracted now than when I was younger, I need to re-watch all of Game of Thrones because I am now addicted to it and cannot wait until Spring for the new season. But none of those are good enough explanations for why I'm not at least coming close to achieving some goals.

So, I've decided to cut back on a number of things in July, one of which is social networking. I'll post once a week - Motivational Mondays - unless something thrilling happens. I'll definitely continue to visit my blogging buddies - it just may not be in as timely a manner as I usually do.

Here's where the insecurities creep in:

What if I put the effort into my other projects…and it doesn't matter? What if I do the work, and I still don't accomplish what I set out to do? What does that say about me, my plans, my goals and dreams?

What if I blog less and lose readers? Lose people I consider friends?

What if, in the long run, this blogging break isn't worth it?


  1. Game of Thrones is AWESOME!!! I don't want to wait til next April to see more. Sometimes being caught up on a good show kinda sucks :)

    Sometimes we just need to cut back on blogging. We understand! I cut back myself some last summer. Needed to be refreshed :)

    1. And then so much of what you watch after an awesome show seems so lackluster....

      Yeah, I think I'm feeling kind of burned out in general. Sigh.

  2. Maybe - who knows? Only one way to find out - cut back on the social networking and see how that works. You can always decide to do something else later on...

  3. My social networking has taken a hit since summer started.

    Your pieces in the A-Z Challenge were so very impressive, you will do what you want to do. But you're right, you have to do the work. If it takes being less blog timely, then so be it. Books first. Now go write!

    1. Thank you!

      I notice a lot of bloggers seem to take time off in the summer. Good a time as any, I guess.

  4. I've never allowed myself more than a week blogging break for the reasons you name. Summer just seems a time many writers slow down. Hope you find your mojo.

    1. I usually don't take more than a week's break either - that's why I'm more anxious about it this time. And I hope I find my mojo, too.

  5. Ahhh, Game of Thrones. I always say if you lose people because you spend less time online, then it's their loss. I particularly enjoy sparse bloggers, less to catch up on. lol

    Sometimes, you also have to appreciate the experience more than the outcome. I had to learn that.

    1. Great comment, Debra - thanks! And I never thought about sparse blogging being a good thing. :)

  6. I hear you! I had to break down and drop back to once a week a while back, and while my traffic isn't as high, and I don't get to see quite as many friends, I still feel like I have wonderful relationships online--and truthfully it's almost more than I can handle right now. Here's hoping that cutting back will help you find your mojo!

    1. Thanks, Crystal. I look forward to your weekly posts so maybe you're setting a good example for me. :)

  7. No matter how much of a break you take, we'll always be here for you! I've cut back on blogging as well. I like Crystal's idea of posting every Wednesday...I think I'm starting to copy her! :)

  8. I have to cut back too, or I'll never reach my goals. But, as far as the friendships you've created, don't stress. I can't imagine anyone who's gotten to know you who isn't going to still be here when you do get a post up. We all LOVE you!
    And your writing deserves the attention. You'd be cheating the world not to get it out there. Honestly!

  9. Oh, I so feel all those questions too because that's where I'm at. I still say, let's go for it, and see what happens. Enjoy the writing! Enjoy the break!

  10. Give it a try and see what happens! I haven't lost steam going down to Mondays only. I still visit others on the remaining days, but not as many. And it gave me time to write.

  11. You have such a great blog and loyal followers that blogging once a week won't make you lose any readers. And if you put the effort in something, it is never wasted. That effort always counts for something. :) Good luck with your goals!

    1. Thanks so much, Chrys! And I needed that reminder about no effort being wasted.

  12. I am at the same point in my writing life. I have scaled down on my blogging as I am now addicted to all my blog buddies (you all). Blogging once a week is good enough and should give you sufficient time to get on with your own writing.

  13. As usual I had trouble concentrating on anything else as soon as I read "Game of Thrones." I also need to re-watch because April 2015 is way too far away and the idea of waiting that long for new episodes sends me spiraling into depression.

    I agree with Elizabeth, I was SO impressed with your A-Z stories that I KNOW you will reach your writing goals. You are ridiculously talented!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I appreciate that. :)

      And your love of GoT was one of the reasons I started watching it in the first place. :)

  14. I hear you on priorities. I have a zillion shows I want to binge watch, but I also have story ideas that don't get written unless I write them. (Go figure!) I do minimal work with my blog because for me, twitter is where I more easily connect with writers. I maintain a blog enough to keep its presence, and it's currently as my domain name so I want to keep that updated.

    1. You're right - those story ideas won't write themselves! I gotta get on that. :)

  15. Summers are short enough without spending them on my laptop, cut back or take a break and relax. I've cut down to one or 2 posts a week, and loving it. Also, it gives me time to edit and write--a must. If you lose a couple of readers, they'll come back once you post again, no worries.

    1. I often forget about relaxing. Maybe I need to work that in there somewhere this month....

  16. "What if I put the effort into my other projects…and it doesn't matter?"
    What if you don't at least try? Then you'll never know. So I'm glad you'll be cutting back and diving into these projects. You'll be just fine with them. And thanks, now I feel like I *must* re-watch Game of Thrones lol

    1. Very true! And now you know you HAVE to watch GoT, right? The idea has been planted.... :)

  17. You sound exactly like me! I was procrastinating like a champion using anything as an excuse for not writing. I even posted quotes on my walls telling me that dreams don't work unless I do and it still didn't matter. Like you I've scaled back on my social media thinking it would free up time to write but I managed to use that time doing even more unnecessary things. I think you've hit the issue spot on with your insecurities and how they're stopping you from writing. It's all this fear that's keeping us from putting in the effort because we're worried it's not good enough. For me a lot of this fear comes from believing the world is a small place. Writing is so lonely that the sum of everything rests of my book. It helps to get some perspective but going out and browsing book stores, jumping on to an ebook store and looking at the bazillion books available. It helps make you realise that there are so many opportunities to succeed these days and that if you do fail no one is going to point fingers at you and laugh because that's the whole problem with failing isn't it? No one really know you're there. So you just try and dust yourself off and keep going because the only failed writers are the ones who stop trying!

    1. I definitely have to make sure I'm focusing and doing the work on the projects I truly want to be working on and not those time fillers. And I love the last line of your comment! Good luck to you!

  18. Sometimes it is a matter of priorities. Do what is most important to you. That's what matters in the end.

  19. If you do the work, it will make a difference. I'm absolutely convinced.

  20. Firstly, a blogging break is always worth it.
    Secondly, you can't hold back because of whatifs. If you don't do the work, then nothing will happen. Guaranteed.

  21. I'm seeing a lot of folks who are cutting back on blogging and I totally understand, I've done the same thing. But I'm sure the extra time you're going to put into your writing will be hands down, worth it. And I can't wait for GoT either!!!! :D

    1. I'm just sorry I waited so long to watch GoT in the first place. :)

  22. And what if it is? What if giving yourself the time is exactly what you need? Go for it!

  23. That insecurity is a HUGE one--I know people whose whole LIVES have been sabotaged because they feared that trying wouldn't be good enough, so they didn't try. You HAVE to keep trying. Look at it this way... if a lot of work isn't enough, then MORE work might do the trick. If you write regularly, seek feedback and learn to revise and what a good book NEEDS, you WILL continue to improve... and if you continue to improve, you WILL get there.

    1. Love this - "...if a lot of work isn't enough, then MORE work might do the trick." Or maybe DIFFERENT work? A different approach and/or attitude?

  24. I've also cut back on blogging because I need to work on my larger project.
    I think I blog about once every 8 or 9 days... sometimes once a week... depending...
    But I HAVE to put that extra time into writing! I need to get this novella/novelette (whatever it's gonna be) up and running.
    As it is, I'm struggling with part of the story outline... but there's an ending in sight...
    (I always feel that my brain is 'wired for flash fiction'... so I need to push beyond that mindset...)

    1. I hear you about being wired for flash fiction.... Good luck! :)

  25. I've seen a lot of people take blogging breaks, especially during the summer. Your friends will still be around when you come back.


  26. If you feel like you need a bogging break, then you probably do. Don't second guess but do it. You know soon enough if it's the right thing to do. Much luck and I'll be reading your MM posts!

  27. you shouldnt lose readers, and anything you accomplish will be worth it! we arent going anywhere! i love your mot mon posts!

    and thanks for supporting my bbf blog tour!

  28. I keep asking myself all those same questions, but when you get right down to it, our friends are so busy with their own writing/blogging projects, they'll probably welcome our breaks and our weeks of going unplugged (as I'm doing next week). I'm trying to sign up for emails for my blogging friends so I know when they've posted something new, even if it's just once a month. :D

    1. That's a great point about everyone being busy and welcoming our blogging breaks. Enjoy going unplugged next week!

  29. You shouldn't lose readers. If you post things that interest them, they will come back no matter how much or how little you post. Plus, sometimes you have to cut back on things to get what you want done. It doesn't make you a bad person or horrible blogger.

    1. Hopefully the things I post are interesting enough to bring people back! :)

  30. Just to disprove your fear that you'll lose followers, I'm going to follow you right now, sight unseen! lol!

    Do the work, make goals that are under your power to achieve (I'll write ten million words, not I'll land my dream agent) and you'll achieve enough for yourself. And that will be more than all right!!

    1. Ha! :) Thanks for Following us here at TSR!

      Making sure the goals we set for ourselves are (mostly) in our control is definitely important. Thanks for the reminder!

  31. Let's hope the blogging break is worth it. I make excuses, too, and I know it's always possible to find another one, but sometimes getting a routine going can help me. Tricky in the summer, but possible. And if one isn't possible, we just have to find what works for us to get done what we can and let go what we can't. Easier said than done, though.

    1. Thanks, Shannon. Maybe I need a new and/or better routine.

  32. Hi, Madeline,
    I think it's important that you do the work. If you don't meet your goals, you can always reassess and move forward again.

    Your friends will understand if blogging less helps you meet your goals.

    1. I think reassessing our goals now and then is a good idea. :)

  33. I haven't been blogging as much as I used to these past few months so I can finish up my WIP. I think most people would understand that we all have lives outside of our blogs, and we might sometimes need to take breaks here and there.

    I've heard more than one author say that they've written a number of books before one got picked up by an agent/editor for publication. My feeling is that nothing we do as writers is wasted, even the things we write that don't get published.

    1. Thank you for the reminder that none of our writing or writing work is wasted effort. :)
