Monday, July 3, 2023

Shuffling Along

So far, The Summer of Making Strides looks more like The Summer of Shuffling Along. 


But I'll take it, because even though I'm moving slower than a tortoise, I'm moving in the right direction for me. And on the days when it feels like I'm actually going backwards, I tell myself it's necessary to get a running start in order to take that leap forward. 


I'm not sure if it will help my momentum any, but I'm taking a bit of a blogging and social media break. I'll still pop in and out, and I'll be back with a new post in September.


All of us here at TSR 

wish you a wonderful summer, 

whatever that looks like for you!!!


  1. I feel like I move slowly like a tortoise sometimes too. As long as you feel like you're going in the right direction. Have a good summer.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I'm pretty sure I'm moving in the right direction . . . fingers crossed!

  2. Hey! Movement is movement, right? I hope you have a wonderful, invigorating break--one that inspires you and gives you the fuel you need to keep going. See you in September!

    1. Thanks, Loni! I would love a break like that, but I'll take productive, quiet, and uneventful. :)

  3. Hooray for feeling as though you're moving in the right direction—even if it may not be moving as quickly as you were hoping. The 'right direction' part is *fantastic*!!

    Enjoy your blogging and social media break!!

    1. Thanks, MJ. I believe I'm making progress on the novel/novella. Maybe I should've given Camp NaNo another try. You always seem to make such great progress on your projects. :)

  4. Sometimes it feels like there is a hill--real or not. Moving forward an inch at a time is still moving. You can do this. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Not only is there a hill, but there's also a giant boulder I have to keep pushing up that hill again and again and again.... :o

  5. This year went off the rails for me, so my progress has been slower. It is happening at least so I'm happy for that.

    1. Excellent that progress is finally happening for you. Hang in there!
