Monday, December 11, 2017

Press Pause, Not Stop

It's time to do some cleaning-up and cleaning-out, so I am taking the next few weeks to do just that.

Papers will be tossed! Furniture will be moved! Goals will be set!

But I'll also take some down time -

Books will be read! TV shows and movies will be binge-watched! Beaches will be walked!

Even the tortoises have plans -

Basil will be eaten! Shells will be rubbed! Basking will be done!

I'll still be around the blogosphere and Goodreads, but the next posting here at TSR won't be until IWSG on January 3, 2018. (2018?! When did that happen?!)

All of us here at The Shellshank Redemption wish everyone a wonderful holiday season - whatever and however you shell-ebrate!


  1. You have a great Christmas and enjoy your down time. yes, 2018 just blows my mind.

  2. A lot of people are setting goals and tidying up. I guess I'd better get going. Merry Christmas, Madeline.

    1. Don't forget to have fun and relax, too. :)

      Merry Christmas to you!

    2. Back to wish you a very Merry Christmas. See you in 2018!

  3. Good luck on your end-of-year clearout. Have a great holidays and see you in 2018!

  4. I was originally going to take my normal one week off between Christmas and New Year, but I might do two weeks this time. There's a lot that needs dusting. :)

    1. Go for it, Maria! But remember, everything will just get dusty again anyway, so make sure you have relaxation and fun, too. :)

  5. Wishing you the best of holidays. My plans are similar to yours.

  6. Happy holidays, Madeline. Hope Santa is good to you and the tortoises.

    1. The tortoises made Santa's "nice" list so they're all set. Me? Um, not sure yet.... :o

      Hope you have a wonderful holiday season, JH!

  7. My big adventure this week will be a drive around town to see all the beautiful Christmas decorations. We don't decorate our house so we enjoy and appreciate what everyone else has done even more. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a most successful and joyous new year.

    1. That's sounds nice, Patricia! Enjoy!

      I wish you all the best this holiday season and in 2018! :)

  8. I'm with you - where did the year go? But good to clear out the clutter to start the new year fresh. Wishing you and yours a peaceful holiday season!

    1. I learned awhile back that the trick, though, is to try not to get everything all perfect because that is so not going to happen, especially around here. :)

      Have a wonderful holiday, Lee!

  9. I hope you have an awesome break, get much cleaning done, and refuel for a brand new year!

    1. Thanks, Loni! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a great new year!

  10. After you finish all of your cleaning-up and cleaning-out, if you still have energy left to spare, you're MORE than welcome to continue your frenzy at our house. I won't be doing any of that ambitious stuff. I'll be emulating your tortoises. (How shell-fish of me!)

    Here's wishing you a fantastic holiday and all the best in the new year. (Yipes! 2018... how did THAT happen???)

    1. Oh, I'll be "shell-fish" myself soon enough, don't worry. :)

      Wishing you a great holiday, Susan! Enjoy!

  11. Happy Holidays. Enjoy your time and see you in 2018.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Anna! So far, the cleaning up and cleaning out is coming along. :)

  13. Happy holidays, Madeline! I'll see you in a few days on the blogosphere! =)
