Monday, November 27, 2017

I Got Nothing, or The November-NaNo Blues

This November and this NaNo are kicking my butt. My energy level is so low that the tortoises could beat me in a foot race. (And yes, I know they have four feet to my two but you get my point.) And my creative well is so dry . . . .  I can't come up with a good way to finish that sentence.

So, instead of more blather from me, I thought I'd share some more of my favorite comics from over at Introvert Doodles.

(Marzi's book is available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon and would make a great gift for the holidays. I already own it and love it! And the only thing I get from talking about any of it, is the joy that comes from sharing something creative and fun.)


How's your November? If you participated in NaNo, how was it? Think you could beat the tortoises in a foot race? (You might think twice if you've seen them hustle after a banana....)


  1. Love those cartoons - I relate to many of them, right now!

  2. Replies
    1. I know that it's not actually about macaroni, but it always makes me want pasta. :)

  3. Only 3 more days to November. :)

    I'm thinking of creating a pre-approved list of acceptable questions. LOL

    1. I'm really hoping this dragging feeling doesn't carry over into December....

      I'm pretty sure my list of acceptable questions would include topics such as books, TV shows, movies and dessert. :)

  4. I love those introvert doodles :-) NaNo was a bit of a disaster for me this year.

    1. I pushed through NaNo and won - still need to verify my word count though - but it was a definite struggle.

  5. Sorry to hear that NaNo's got you down. Illness has put a roadblock in my progress. It's a bit hard to write when you can't keep your eyes open. But I liked the cartoons. :)

    1. Sorry to hear about your roadblock! I am glad you were able to keep your eyes open long enough to enjoy the cartoons. :)

  6. The nothing NaNo Blahs are perfectly understandable. However, you've overcome that condition beautifully with your comics. Thanks for the chuckles.

  7. Only a few days of November left. Hope you find some bit of energy to finish strong.

    1. I finished and won NaNo - barely! - but I'm a little worried these blahs are going to extend into December. :o

  8. I love the cartoons, could not stop laughing.

    Congrats on winning NaNo!

    Yes, even I feel the tortoises are faster than me.

    1. Thanks, Rachna! And I'm glad the cartoons gave you some laughs. :)

  9. I'm going to reach the 50,000 NaNoWriMo goal this year. As of this morning, I only have 2,065 words to go, so it's even possible I could finish today. Assuming I don't lollygag or dawdle, of course. :D

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So what are you doing over here??!! Get back to writing! Go! Finish it! :)

  10. Hang in there! Just a couple more days. As an introvert myself, I love love love the introvert cartoons. I am heading into high anxiety season, but I'm finding my way in my own WIP.

    1. They really are great cartoons!

      So glad to hear you're finding your way with your WiP. Keep going! :)

  11. I'm glad you shared; I'd never heard of the cartoon. So funny.

    I hope you're feeling more energetic soon. I think the holidays can drain muscles and brain cells.

    1. So glad you enjoyed them! I totally recommend her website/book. :)

      My muscles and brain cells feel like mush!

  12. Hey, aren't you kicking butt on NaNoWriMo? I seem to recall you finished early. EARLY. Some of us still have miles to go before we sleep.

    And yeah, I feel like I've been ran over by a truck that then backed up and ran over me again. But NaNo always makes me feel that way. It's part of the fun, right? RIGHT?

    1. Right! :)

      It's been a long month, and not just because of NaNo. I did finish early but it wasn't pretty. I had a marathon writing weekend so I could get the story done. I'm with you - NaNo is always exhausting, but this year, whew! I. Am. Drained.

  13. The end of November was really tiring for me. I got writing done, but the fatigue has been kicking my butt and making it hard.

    1. Good for you for getting writing done! Now try to rest up and renew. That's my plan. :)

  14. I've had those macaroni moments! *LOL* I've been slow going in November too. Here's to a more productive December!

    1. I love the phrase "macaroni moments." :)

      I'm hoping for a quiet December, but one where I organize and declutter myself and my space, and find a better life track all around. Fingers crossed!

  15. Here, here! To a more productive December!
