Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IWSG: It's All in the Attitude

For More Information

In October's IWSG post, I mentioned being anxious about participating in my first ever 5K. I asked for advice and encouragement, and you all stepped up and cheered me on so much and so loudly, I felt like I could actually hear you all as I ran (and that was even over my whining and desperate gasping for air!) Thank you all so much! I appreciate it more than you know.

The end results were not as good as I'd hoped. I didn't run nearly as much of it as I wanted, and it was a lot harder than I'd thought. But I finished the entire thing - something I wouldn't have been able to do in recent years - so I'm counting it as a win. 

Do you know what else I'm counting as a win? The fact that I'm still exercising, still training. I even signed up for another 5K (that sound you hear is the "dreadmill" cackling maniacally - bwahaha!) I'm not giving up - on losing weight, on writing, on dreams.  

Don't you give up either. Whatever it is you're working on - your health, NaNo, learning something new, dealing with a difficult situation - Keep. Going. 

I am. You can, too.


Participant Medal and T-Shirt from the 5K

A Gift from My Husband


  1. That's awesome! Even if you didn't run the whole way, you finished. Just think how much better you will do on the next one. Keep at it!

    1. Thanks, Alex!

      I'm hoping to run at least a little more for the next one, but I'm not pressuring myself the way I did before.

  2. I think your 5K was a total win and the fact that you've signed up for another one is fantastic!

    1. Thank you!

      Now, I just have to remember this when I look back at 2016 and feel like I didn't accomplish anything. :)

  3. A whole lot to be said for perseverance. I think it is more important than any other aspect, whether it is writing, exercising, eating right, learning some new skill... So well done!

    1. Excellent point about perseverance! If you have, or develop that, it will help with almost everything else. :)

  4. Yes, we must never give up, on our dreams, our writing or our life goals. Perseverance is the key to success!

    1. I'm starting to think I should rename this post Perseverance! or something similar. :)

  5. Never give up! Excellent job on finishing the race. It's an even bigger win that you signed up for another one. Love that gift from your husband! :)

    1. Isn't that keychain great? He really is my partner in all things - he even tried distracting the zombies so I could run through them unscathed. :)

  6. That is a WIN! I could never run the entire thing. I don't even think I'd sign up for a 5K, so a big win indeed.

    1. I never thought I would sign up for one or actually complete one!

  7. Finishing the race must have been awesome. Not everyone could have done it and if you keep training next year will even be easier. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. It would have been more awesome if my lungs and/or my heart weren't about to explode. :)

  8. Yay! Way to go, Madeline. I'm so proud of you. Finishing the race, regardless of speed, is really what matters in the end. I'd be out there racing with you if I could get over this darn asthma.

    1. I'm starting to really understand that so many things, so many accomplishments, are more about the finishing than about the speed of the finishing.

  9. Good job! Can't wait to see how you progress with these 5k's!

    1. I'm not going to get crazy timing myself or anything. First goal = run more than I walk. :)

  10. Way to go!!! I count that as a win for sure. Love the gift from your husband. That's sweet. Now that you've inspired me, I need to go make a list of goals.

    1. I've been focusing mainly on exercise/weight and writing/NaNo so a lot of other goals and projects have kind of gone by the wayside. And you know what? That's okay. :)

  11. Well done, Madeline! That's a fantastic achievement!
    You are right - never give up! Thanks for the boost of inspiration.
    Happy IWSG Day!

  12. Congrats on finishing the 5K! I think that would be fun to do one day, but I'd have to walk most of it because I am too out of shape to run for long. I'd need serious training. LOL

    1. A lot of people walked the whole thing. Some walked alone, with earbuds in while others walked with friends and chatted.

  13. That's a total win!! Congratulations. Were the zombies scary?

    1. Some of them really were! It was the make-up sure, but it was more the way they moved - lurching and reaching. Shudder!

  14. Congrats on running the 5K and holy cow you signed up for another one too? That's awesome!

    1. The first one was actually longer than a typical 5K, so I tell myself I should be able to do the next one/an official one, no problem. (I tell myself this after a glass of wine or two....)

  15. We all have different challenges and goals - it really is about the FINISHING and what that looks like for each of us. :)

    And I did treat myself to a massage later that day. :)

  16. Madeline, you've got that never-give-up-never-surrender attitude. Love it!

    1. I have to work at it, but I'm glad I achieve it occasionally. :)

  17. Love that gift from your husband! I've had a tough time keeping my exercise routine steady, but I try to remember that every step counts.
    Let's keep walking/running/going/writing!

    1. Absolutely! Every step forward - no matter if tiny or a great big leap - counts as progress.

  18. Congratulations!!! What an achievement. I think that's a huge win!! Well done and good for you for keeping it up. Glad you heard us cheering you on.

    1. I thought of all the wonderful comments in my last IWSG post, and that helped keep me moving. As will these comments the next time around. :)

  19. Congrats on your 5K. I hope to be able to run one again soon but I might have to have my other knee replaced before I do. Yes, I still run with a knee replacement. Doctor just shakes his head. But I'm very slow. You keep inspiring me.

    1. You're probably still faster, even with the knee replacement. :)

      And who's the inspiring one around here - running with a knee replacement?! Hello?! :)

  20. I love your husband! What a great present! Congratulations on making it all the way through. I can tell you right now, though I work out, no way would I make it all the way through a 5K, not to mention any other running event! So good job and good luck on the next one!

    1. He really is great - so supportive and encouraging. When he runs with me, he has to slow his pace way down. I tell him he can go ahead, it's fine, but he says he'd rather run with me, that we're doing it together. :)

  21. Congratulations! The main thing is that you did it. Keep running. It will be even better next time.
    Shalom aleichem,

  22. Congratulations on completing the race!!! You should be very proud of yourself, but what's even more impressive is you've already signed up for another 5K. (Next thing ya know, you'll be running half-marathons...) I'll betcha it takes you even less time to cross that next finish line. Oh, and good luck making it to the NaNo finish line, too.

    1. Thanks, Susan! I'm hoping I won't be as sweaty or as out of breath crossing the NaNo finish line...but you never know, this novel is rough. :)

  23. Finishing a 5k is awesome. Like finishing a book. You didn't give up. What a lovely gift from your husband. He's a keeper. :)

    1. I stumble sometimes, and I'm splat on the ground - facedown! - more times than I care to count, but I keep getting up, keep on going.

      He is definitely a keeper! :)

  24. Great attitude, and congratulations on completing your first 5K!
    IWSG co-host Mary at Play off the Page

  25. You finished!! That's awesome. And you signed up for another 5K. I'm impressed.

    1. Don't be too impressed, Lynda. We'll have to see how that one goes. :)

  26. yes! you did it. One should do one impossible thing each day. Who said that? I cannot remember - so that might be my impossible thing this day - trying to remember. Was it the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? Maybe. Or was it Margaret Mead. I for sure know it wasn't the Dalai Lama though someone will try and pin it on him. I hope to find you on NaNo - I'm JanLaBanan if you want to buddy up.

    1. I can't think of who said that line either! It's a good thought, but I'd be happy if I did one impossible thing every few months or so. That's enough outside of my comfort zone for me. :)

      And I'll look for you next time I'm over on the NaNo site.

  27. I've kinda gone sour on 5K races because I prefer to run in the evening and most are held early in the morning, which leaves me feeling sick and headache-y for the rest of the day. But I'd run a 5K for that medal. How cool! And the zombie apocalypse necklace is awesome.

    1. I've tried to alternate my walking/running - do some early, some later, some outside, others on the treadmill. Sort of like cross-training. :)

  28. Congrats! It's definitely about having the right mindset when setting a goal like that.

    1. I'm learning that the right mindset is so important for so many things! It's not always easy, but I keep trying to get on and stay on the right track. :)

  29. Way to go! A 5k is way more than I could do, never did have much running stamina. You're already impressive in my book for showing up!

    Happy November!

  30. Congratulations on getting through the 5K! What's important is that you aspired to do this and you did it!

    1. It really feels good when you set a goal and achieve it. Something I need to do more of! :)

  31. Woot for finishing!!! That is awesome. And I love that zombie medal. Great choice, and good job keeping it up!
