Wednesday, June 1, 2016

IWSG: A Good Attitude and Better Focus

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I've been on a blogging break since mid-May, trying to get myself on a good track - emotionally, mentally, physically. Unfortunately, "life" happened, including a moment of feeling - once again! - like the kid no one wants to play with, like the only kid not invited to the party. This by the people who really shouldn't make you feel that way. I thought I was too old for hurt feelings like that. Sigh. 

And let's not forget the usual issues of writer's block, depression and anxiety. Oh, and the recurrence of a minor health issue. So, not quite the break I was hoping for.


I am approaching June with a good attitude and better focus. I have a loose plan that includes throwing myself into writing stories - short, flash, etc - and getting them out into the world. I'm also making changes here on the blog, such as retiring Motivational Mondays. I'll still write the occasional motivational post, but it will be more as the mood strikes as opposed to on a schedule.   

Here's wishing us all a wonderful June! May it be the start of a summer full of creativity and good health and lots of fun!


  1. It's summer. Ease back into everything on a schedule that you enjoy.
    And who snubbed you? I'll go all Ninja on them...

    1. Aw, thanks, Alex! I appreciate that. It does seem so silly to feel this way as an adult though. Will I ever grow up?

  2. Here's to a creative summer packed FULL of cheese. It can be so tricky finding that sweet spot--and I get your inner hurt. I moved away from my family, but I kept reaching out. I think we're to the point where they're done reaching out to me. Or we're all just too busy. *shrugs* At least I've got my hubby and littles to keep me smilin.

    1. I so hear you, Crystal. Believe me.

      My husband and the tortoises keep me smiling, too. :)

  3. Great to hear you're writing again. I think we all have those insecure feelings at times, no matter what our age. Enjoy June. It's a new month. Wishing you sunshine and sunny days!

    1. Thanks, Donna. I'm looking forward to the start of the summer and a season of focus and fun. :)

  4. I love your attitude. Your posts always encourage me. I'm sorry someone made you feel that way. You don't deserve that. Wishing you a wonderful summer filled with creativity and great health too. Don't forget all the fun:)

    1. I'm so glad to hear my posts are helpful to you! That makes me smile, so thank you.

      Wishing you creativity and great health and fun, too!

  5. You're retiring Motivational Mondays? Darn. I love those! But I know what you do with your blog next will be just as wonderful.

    1. I know, I'm sorry! I thought long and hard about stopping those MM posts, but I needed the change. I will definitely do something similar sometimes though. I can use all the motivation I can get! :)

  6. If it's any consolation, you're always welcome at my party! I've always been one of those people who people don't invite either. At least you have an attack plan for June! That's awesome. I hope you get a lot written and things look up with your health.

    1. Thanks, Loni! I appreciate that. :)

      I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a great summer all around.

  7. Happy June! Wishing you a fresh new month that kicks May's bum. :)

  8. I remember getting left out of plans even though I was standing right there while said plans were discussed. Not fun. (And this was twenty years ago, and yeah, I still remember it.) Hopefully June will be better for you.

    1. Definitely not fun. I'm sorry that happened to you.

      Wishing us all a great June!

  9. Here is wishing you lots of writing for this month, Madeline. A good attitude and a better focus helped me achieve my goals.

  10. If anyone ever makes you feel unloved, you need to take your ball and bat and find another playing field. There are others who would love to play on your team.

  11. Happy June! Let's blast the last bits of winter/spring/mess away and enjoy this summer of life and writing!
    I'm excited to read more of your short fiction, Madeline!

    1. Yeh on a summer of life and writing!

      And thank you! I'm still working on my Five Reasons post for you. Soon, soon!

  12. I'm ready for a creative and productive summer.

  13. You have had some terrific motivational Mondays. Plan your work, work your plan. Go get 'em.

    1. Thank you, Susan.

      I've always loved that saying of yours/your husband's. :)

  14. I know that feeling you talk about here and I believe it happens to the best of us. I hope you can put those writing plans into action this month.

    1. I hope so this is a summer full of good writing and creativity!

  15. I was on a blogging break also. Unfortunately, I didn't get much done. Here's to hoping the both of us will improve in that regard.

  16. I'm so sorry about what you've gone through lately. No fun. Good luck with your writing and submitting! And good for you setting your own schedule for the blog and what works for you.

    1. Thanks, Jenni. It wasn't fun but it could've been worse. Here's to looking ahead! :)

  17. That's a bummer to hear about life. I hope June is way better for you. =)

  18. Love the positive attitude. It's the only way to go!

  19. I'm sorry your break didn't go as planned. Good luck jumping back into things. It sounds like you have the right plan and the right attitude!

  20. Doldrums suck, I hope you are feeling a lot better. Have fun with your writing.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. I'm feeling better, thank you! Now, I just have to channel that into my writing and the rest of my life. :)

  21. Madeline, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. It's sometimes pretty hard to pull ourselves out of the "down in the dumps" mood. I think the best advice we can give ourselves is to take a deep breath and move forward. Taking a different path is often the best way to speed the recovery process.

    1. Thanks, Patricia. Changing paths can definitely be a good thing. Scary sometimes, but it can be just the thing we need to feel better, to get better.

  22. Our lives are never easy, especially when we need them to be. Sounds like you have a plan that you can stick to!

  23. Oh man, I still every now and then feel like the kid no one invited to the party! It's not just you. Life goal: give less f***s about the small stuff :)

    1. It's funny because I usually do try to do that, and I manage it pretty well overall. This particular instance, though, just really hurt for some reason.

  24. I'm so sorry to hear that, Madeline. I'll always want you at my party. Shame on anyone who makes you feel otherwise.

    You're a wonderful person. *hugs*

    1. Thanks so much, JH.

      I really do appreciate all the support from you guys.

  25. Shame there have to be people like that in the world. Safe to say you've got lots of us behind you here cheering you on! Here's to a productive month with a great attitude. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Nick! I hope you have a great month/summer, too.

  26. Good for you for approaching June with a better attitude and focus...I think that is always the key to everything!

  27. I'm so sorry you've had a rough time. I can relate to those types of feelings. But know that I will always want to play with you so you never have to worry about that one!

    It sounds like you have a great plan for getting yourself back into a good place. Can I steal it? :D

    I hope the summer treats you more kindly than May did. Take care!

    1. Aw, thanks, Julie. I really appreciate that.

      And you don't have to steal anything. I will totally share. :)

  28. Happy summer to you, Madeline!
    (It's winter my end of the globe...)

    By the way, I'm looking forward to reading more of your flash fiction in the coming months!
    Good luck with the new posting schedule. Whatever new format you decide upon, I'm sure it will be just as inspirational as your MM posts.

    ...and a toast to all tortoise writers!

    1. Happy winter to you! :)

      Thank you for reading, Michelle, and for all your support! It's totally appreciated.

  29. Here's to a wonderful summer for all of us! :)
