Tuesday, September 16, 2014

With This Ring - MASH Stories

Most people probably wouldn't take the word "gruesome" as a compliment, but it was absolutely the perfect word used to describe my flash fiction piece, "With This Ring." 

Don't worry - it's not graphic or gory. It's just...dark. And creepy. And you'll probably think twice before carving the initials of you and your loved one in a tree trunk ever again.  

"With This Ring" is up over at MASH Stories. It's been shortlisted for their current contest, so if you do give it a read - and you like it! - your vote would be greatly appreciated. 

And the contest - MASH Competition #4 - is still open, so all of you writers out there, go give it a shot. I'd be honored to have my story alongside any of yours.  


  1. Awesome! I'm headed over to give it a read, but I already know I'll love it. =)

  2. I liked it. Voted and commented. Good luck. I already entered this competition but they knocked my story back.

  3. Ah, I was looking at an old post and here you'd addressed the contest already. Gruesome is a perfect descriptor for a horror story!

  4. Dark and creepy! And awesomely gruesome :D
    I voted!

    S.K. Anthony

  5. The pathos of this story was excellent! Good and dark--love it and voted for it. Good luck, Madeline!

  6. Oh no! My hubs and I did that when we were dating. I'll have to go read it and check it out.

  7. Ok, I'll read and vote because although I'm not a huge horror fan, I love your work even when it's dark. You are an awesome writer!

    1. I really appreciate that, Tyrean.

      And I hope the "gruesome but not gory or graphic" warning helped prepare you somewhat. :)

  8. Congratulations!!! That's awesome. I'll go check it out now.

  9. Madeline, your story is beautifully written. Yes, gruesome does indeed describe it perfectly. Voted for it.

  10. Great story - dark and richly poetic at the same time. Voted up by me, too!

  11. I'm so glad that voting is still open for slow pokes like me, because I loved your beautifully creepy, twisted little tale. Well done and best of luck!!

    1. No worries! And I'm glad you enjoyed it - creepiness and twisted-ness and all. :)
