Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

All of us here at The Shellshank Redemption would like to wish our readers (those who celebrate the holiday) a very Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a great celebration and a wonderful weekend.

Around our place - romaine will be eaten (by the tortoises), turkey will be eaten and bikes will be ridden and a beach will be walked (by me and my husband), and words will be written (by me. Unless I can convince the tortoises to help. If they walked around on the keyboard, I'd definitely get a few more words in there...)


  1. Blessings to you and yours on this day of Thanks!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Linda! Thanks for reading us here at The Shellshank Redemption. :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, every one of you! Have a great day of gratitude. =]

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Milo and Stacy! Thanks for stopping by! :)
