Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Ultimate Flash Fiction Package Contest!

Robert Swartwood, editor of Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer, is running a great contest over on his blog.  The winner receives eight - yes, eight! - anthologies of short fiction, including the fantastic Hint Fiction Anthology, and five runners up will get the amazingly superb Hint Fiction anthology (can you tell I'm a little biased?)

It's easy to enter, so if you'd like a chance to win some free books, check it out here!


  1. I'll definitely check it out. Congrats to you, Madeline. I can't wait to read your contribution to the anthology! I hope Larry and Mrs. Larry are up for celebrating!!

  2. Thanks, Stacy!

    I hope you enjoy my story and all the other ones in there, too.

    L and Mrs L can't wait to read the anthology. As for celebrating? Well, they're real party animals! :)

  3. Congrats, Madeline! I'm a fellow contributor to the Hint Fic Antho. I just got my contributor copy in the mail today ~ so exciting! I read your story, it's terrific. It certainly packs an emotional punch.
    Isn't this exciting? Enjoy it!

  4. Congratulations back at you, Kathleen! I'm glad you enjoyed my story. Yours literally made me gasp the first time I read it.

    "Emotional punch" is the perfect description of so many of the stories - a jab to the heart, a jab to the soul.
