Monday, January 14, 2013

Motivational Monday

(Nora Ephron)

I once read something about the writing craft that blew me away - the antagonist thinks the story is about him. He thinks he's the star, maybe even the hero. Once I started thinking of the story from the antagonist's point of view - or any of the other characters', really, since they all think the story is about them - it changed not only how I wrote, but also how I saw life in general.

We should be the heroines and heroes of our own lives. But how often do we let other people or situations put us in minor roles? In their stories, we might be the sidekick or love interest or even villain, and that's okay because it's their stories. 

But we can't let others cast us in our stories. They don't get to tell us we're the victim or the bad daughter or the silly dreamer. If we're not careful, one day we'll look up from a script that someone else wrote for us and realize we're the understudies in our own lives. 

This week, let's take the starring role and run with it!


  1. That's so right. Each person must live according to their own beliefs. My auntie in the fifties wrote a quote in my autograph book, which I didn't understand at the time. 'To thine own self be true'. I hope your encouraging words will reach the person who needs them right at this moment in time.

  2. Francene - thank you for your lovely comment! I write these posts as much for myself as I do for other people. :)

  3. Can I walk with it instead? Despite my continued efforts, I'm just not much of a runner. I promise to use a brisk pace... =)

  4. MJ - maybe I should've said "walk very fast with it" instead since that's about what I can do, too. :)

  5. Deep thoughts for a Monday morning.
    And did you know Looper won Best Science Fiction Film last week at the Critic's Choice Awards?

  6. Alex - it helps if you have coffee first. :) And I didn't know that about Looper!

  7. I've never been comfortable with a starring role and usually tend to turn myself into the sidekick. Definitely something I need to change. Thanks for the inspiration and Happy Monday! :)

  8. Emily - you know it! :)

    Julie - I think it's fine to be the sidekick in someone else's story, just not in YOUR story. Happy Monday to you, too. :)

  9. Heroine or not, this is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you.

  10. I love these sentiments, both for writing and life. Definitely a thought-provoking post and great motivation for a Monday :-).

  11. Jillian - thanks so much! I love when there are so many comments on the Motivational Monday posts - it means the words are hitting home. I know what it feels like to need to hear certain words at certain times, and when you do - amazing! :)

  12. awareness that others have their own goals and agendas and ways of doing things is a key part of life and thus, our stories!
    great point!

  13. Tara - I try very hard to see things from others' perspective in both writing characters and in real life people. What stinks is when it doesn't feel like other people do the same for you.

  14. Optimistic E - I'm glad! Thanks for reading. :)
