Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Giveaway! - A Few of the Tortoises' Favorite Things - Giveaway!

Every once in awhile, Larry and Mrs. Larry like to make their presence known here on the blog (they're the silent partners of this writing team.) and their favorite way to do that is by having a giveaway.

Now, don't get excited. They will not be giving away any romaine, radicchio or basil. However, they do want to share some of their other favorite things:

Their favorite book: Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer edited by Robert Swartwood (W.W. Norton). The tortoises have also guaranteed that I will sign my story's page if the winner would like.

Their favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption. A DVD of one of the best movies based on a Stephen King novella. This is according to the tortoises, who may be a bit biased...

Their favorite story: "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption". This is one of four amazing novellas in the Stephen King collection, Different Seasons, a paperback of which will go to one of the winners.

How to enter: Leave a comment in this post telling us about...um...something related to tortoises, hint fiction, or Stephen King. (Did you ever save a tortoise crossing the road? Don't know what hint fiction is? Too scared to read a SK novel? It's pretty wide open.) You have until Friday, October 7th at 12 noon EST to enter. Larry and Mrs. Larry will choose three names out of a bowl and I'll announce the winner some time over the weekend.

Good luck!


  1. I love the idea of this giveaway! *waves to Larry and Mrs. Larry*

    There was a long time when I thought I didn't like Stephen King, and then a long time when I thought I only liked King's dystopian short fiction, and then a long time when I liked King's novels but didn't want to read The Dark Tower series... finally I have given in to his all-around genius (though I haven't read Different Seasons yet, which makes this giveaway extra exciting).

    And speaking of The Dark Tower, the Larrys will be glad to know that a giant turtle is an important part of that world's mythology.

  2. Jillian, now you've made me want to read The Dark Tower series! I read the first book ages ago and just couldn't get into it but now you're telling me there's a giant turtle involved?! (The tortoises are shaking their heads at me - how could I not have known?! Oh, and they're waving back - sort of, anyway.)

  3. Oh, what a great idea for a giveaway! Thanks and hello to Larry and Mrs. Larry!

    The Shawshank Redemption is probably my favorite movie ever, so I agree with you tortoises.

    Have to say the picture of Larry and Mrs. Larry reading is so funny, too cute!

  4. Hehe. I didn't get into the first book either, but the friends who forced it on me encouraged me to keep going, and from the second book on I was absolutely hooked. And a giant mythical turtle is always good...

  5. Julie - I love it when I catch SHAWSHANK on TV. I always stop and watch at least some of it. :)

  6. What a fun giveaway. One of the first gifts my husband gave me was a pair of glazed tortoises he made at the Base Hobby Shop while he was in the Air Force. Somehow the pair got lost in one of our moves, but at the time he gave me them I thought they were the sweetest gift I ever received.
    And if I were to win Hint Fiction, I would love for you to sign it.
    Donna V.

  7. Donna, that's so nice! Thank you for sharing that story.

    (And if you win, I would be thrilled to sign the anthology for you!) :)

  8. I read Salem's Lot in high school and it scared the pooh out of me. All items sound great and I would treasure a signed copy of your writing.

  9. Ooooh, now I have to think up something really special to say 'cause Donna took my line about getting you to sign the Hint anthology.

    Okay, let's see...how about a hint of a play on the Mae West line: When Stephen King is good, he's very good. But when he's pithy, he's better.

  10. Sally - thank you so much! I re-read SALEM'S LOT a couple of years ago and it scared "the pooh" out of me a second time. :)

    Cathy, you crack me up! :)
