Monday, September 20, 2010

Motivational Monday!

Usually, September gives me some extra oomph.  Maybe it's all the back-to-school hoopla...although the kids here are back to school in August.  Maybe it's the leaves starting to go gold and red and the crispness in the air and...oh, wait.  The palm fronds are still green and the temps are in the 90s.  Hmm.  Maybe this explains why I don't have much oomph after all.

At least I'm not alone.  Apparently, a lot of writers suffer burnout.  Just check out Nathan Bransford's post, "You Tell Me: Have You Faced Writer Burnout? How Do You Escape It?"  The comment section is full of good ideas and suggestions.  And step right up to the Creativity Carnival for Writers in the newest issue of WOW! Women on Writing.  Good timing!  

Congratulations go out to pal Stacy Post!  Her story, "Sister Calamity," was nominated for Best of the Net by the fine folks over at Referential Magazine! 

Also at Referential Magazine, poet Laura McCullough referenced my story, "If This is Crazy," in her poem, "When Wonder."  Love when that happens!

Have a great week!


  1. It's still blazing hot here too, Madeline. I stare at my fall sweaters with longing. Maybe in October? :) Thanks for the linky love!

  2. "Fall fashion" definitely has a different meaning for me now than it used to. :)
