Monday, March 3, 2025

Bad Candy - Inanimate Things: Volume 2

Louise knew candy was bad for her. 

She just didn’t know how bad.


My short story, “Bad Candy” is included in the anthology, Inanimate Things: Volume 2 (Burial Books, April 2025.) This story is a bit of a departure for me in that it’s not flash or micro fiction but a full-blown short story at about 1,900 words. 


From the blurb – 

“Living Puppets, Animated Houses, Creepy Cars, Hard Candy, Stoned Scarecrows, Exterior Illumination, Cardboard Maniacs, and More Mannequins. These are a few of the things that will devour your soul and invade your dreams. Digest these tales and try to be kind to the things you see. Just because you don’t think they’re conscious, doesn’t mean they aren’t.


Stories by acclaimed horror authors Jason Fischer, John Gosham, Sandra Henriques, Patrick Herald, Michael Lawrence, Colin Adams-Toomey, Cory Brock, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Truman Ramsey, Mark Peters, Anne Wilkins, Carter Aldridge, Jimmy Pudge, Paul Lonardo, Ira Thackston II, Stuart Conover, Damon Nomad, Kay Hanifen, and Stephen Rhoades."


Scheduled for release on April 18, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

Down But Not Out

Well, the first month of 2025 found the TSR household down for the count. My husband and I rarely get sick but when we do, it lingers. And the cold, damp, gray, rainy days did not help. In between bouts of chills and coughing and making sure the palm trees outside were not covered in snow, I’d sing “Tomorrow” from Annie, like some prayer of desperation. (And believe me, if I’m attempting to sing, it’s a desperate situation.)


So, pretty much all momentum was lost around here, but although we were down, we are not out! 



My Write 25 in 25 helped me keep at writing, even with being sick. It’s mostly been sessions of 2-5 minutes since that was about all I could focus on.    



I was in a bit of a reading slump, but then the fun, twisty thriller, Cross My Heart by Megan Collins pulled me in and wouldn’t let go.  



TV – We finished our re-watch of "LA Law"! We definitely enjoyed the first bunch of seasons, and even though it kind of fell apart after that, it was still fun. We’re now re-watching/watching "The West Wing." My husband and I both remember starting this series when it first came out but neither of us can remember if we ever finished it.


Movie – although it felt kind of long, we liked "Conclave." The acting was good. And, of course, we enjoyed the turtles. 



How do you get your focus and/or momentum back after being sick? Have you read or watched anything that broke through a slump for you?

Thursday, January 2, 2025

What Worked, What Didn't, and Going Forward

Here we go again! Another year full of opportunities to grow, improve and learn, to be grateful, breathe, and laugh long and loud and often. 




How do you know when that small thing will become the last thing, sending a person right over the edge . . . and taking you down with them?


Not Very Neighbourly, a drabble, is available to read in Dark Moments, the online publication of Black Hare Press. It’s also included in their anthology, Year Six, which includes all their online nano tales published in 2024.  


Another pleasant surprise at the end of 2024 was the acceptance of a short story to be published in an anthology in spring 2025. 




I slightly exceeded my 2024 Goodreads goal = reading 54/52 books.  I’m keeping the same goal – 52 books - for 2025. It gives me both direction and wiggle room. 




“One Word” - I always want this concept to work better for me than it does. I don’t know if I’m choosing the wrong word or if it’s the wrong time for that word or if I’m not keeping it in mind enough. But I don’t see the harm in trying again! 


So, for 2025, I’m going with the word QUIET. I chose it for a number of reasons, but the biggest one is because I have a lot of “noise” inside of me – anxieties, fears, scattered thoughts, the list goes on and on. I hope to use the word as a sort of mantra. 


“The 24 in 24 List” – I basically scrapped this a few months into last year. Another concept I like, but I don’t think it works for me at this point in my life. 

“The Write 24 in 24 Challenge” – This worked so well for me that I’m continuing it for myself! So, hello, Write 25 in 25


“Habit Tracking/Don’t Break the Chain” – This also worked really well for me, for both the writing challenge and for a handful of healthy habits I set for myself. I’m definitely going to keep this up!




Do you have any goals or plans for 2025? Any advice, lessons, systems for achieving them?

Monday, December 2, 2024

Happy Holidays!

This month’s post may be short on words, but it is definitely long on gratitude.


We here at TSR are so grateful for all of you who read this blog and the stories (micro, flash and otherwise!) We appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment -  encouraging and supporting, sharing information or something about yourselves. We hope you all keep coming back! 


Wishing you and yours 

a joyful holiday season 

and all the best 

in 2025 and always!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Slowing Down . . . Revving Up

November is one of those odd months for me. On the one hand, things are slowing down - the year is coming to a close, projects are wrapping up, and I begin looking back over those challenges and goals I set waaaay back in January. On the other hand, things are revving up - it’s lighter earlier, the weather around here tends to be brisk and cool, and I usually get a burst of mental and physical energy. As an optimistic realist, I try to be - and stay! - hopeful, approaching the upcoming year like a new planner, one full of blank pages waiting to be filled with as many positive activities and plans as possible.



I wrote a drabble then subbed it to a contest. Crafting stories of 100 words exactly is always a fun challenge for me!



I’m closing in on my 2024 Reading Challenge (52 books) over on Goodreads. I’ve mostly been ahead, which is good since I’ve hit some sort of reading slump. It’s not the books; it’s me and my focus. 



For Halloween, we re-watched The Silence of the Lambs. That movie never disappoints!



The tortoises took their annual trip to the vet. They’re healthy and solid - Larry is about 12 pounds and Mrs. Larry is about 9. And my back attests to these new numbers every time I bend over to pick one of them up! 


Are you looking back at 2024 yet? Looking ahead? Both? Ever hit a reading slump? How did you fix it? Are you a fan of the movie, The Silence of the Lambs? If you have pets, how’re they doing? 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Baked Goods and Goals

October is my birthday month (and my husband's!), and while baked goods are always involved, we sometimes use this, not January, as the start of our new year. We make plans and set goals but keep it loose, see what’s working and what isn’t so we can tweak things before the actual new year. 

I’m considering two bigger goals for myself - one weight loss/health-related and one writing-related. We’ll see how it goes!



A flash fiction story is out to an anthology – fingers crossed! And the first draft of my longer story/novella is moving forward. Slower than a tortoise full of banana, but forward is forward. 



Movies – We enjoyed The Trap (by M. Night Shyamalan) and AfrAId (starring John Cho).  


TV – We’re still having fun re-watching L.A. Law! We get a big kick out of seeing how many guest stars we recognize in their younger days.



I’ve used the words dark and twisty here before when describing other books, but A. R. Torre’s, The Last Party, takes those words to a whole other level in the best way possible. Whoa. Just whoa.




Do you use your birthday to look back over the year and/or look ahead? How do you celebrate your birthday? Any TV shows or movies to recommend? Read anything lately that blew you away?


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Paging Through the Past

One of my recent projects was to go through our bookshelves.  

Some books went off to new adventures in the hands of others.


Everything came off the shelves, including my Go Away, I’m Reading sign, and the two small stone tortoises Mrs. Larry likes to check in with when she’s walking around the house.


I dusted everything. Sneezed. Dusted some more. 


I put most things back, reorganizing the books as I went. My previous system of loosely shelving by genre no longer worked - mystery/suspense/thrillers spread like sinister shadows onto other shelves, and some favorite authors write in different genres so it was like their books lived in different apartments in the same building. My brain did not care for that – it much prefers alphabetically by author’s last name. 


As I held each book, I was reminded how a book can be so much more than the story within its pages. There’s often a story outside its pages, too . . . 


Books with garage sale stickers when that was the only way my husband and I could afford to buy books. 


Back before anyone had heard of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, my husband and I were in our favorite independent bookstore and one of the people there literally pushed it into my hesitant hands – it wasn’t my usual kind of thing - telling me I had to read it, I would love it. I don’t know why I doubted her. She was right. As usual. 


Books where I wrote my name inside the cover, that younger version of my scrawl actually legible.


Many years ago, author Chris Bohjalian gave a talk/reading/signing of one of his early novels. I went to get my book signed and somehow the subject of my writing came up (it was probably my husband, he’s always telling people I write.) Even though a line was forming behind me, Mr. Bohjalian took the time to ask me about my work. He was so encouraging and nice, I remember that feeling to this day.


Books with pages gone yellow, that slip from spines as if too tired to hold on. Some with print too small for me to read now. Others with ties to people – family, friends, authors - who are no longer with us.


Books hold stories in their words, in their pages. We hold stories in our hearts, in our memories. And sometimes all those stories turn and twist and tangle and become a whole other story, one uniquely its own. 



Have any favorite book memories? How do you organize your books – or do you? What else lives on your bookshelves – plants, photos, etc? Any summer projects you’re particularly proud of completing?