
Monday, March 4, 2024


When I was done drafting this post, I realized it had a theme of sorts, that of revisiting, of returning to what once worked for me, to what I once enjoyed – writing how/what I wanted, reading certain genres, watching TV shows that make me feel both old and young again. I’m not sure why this is happening or why now, but I think I’ll continue meandering down Memory Lane for a little longer. 



I’ve got three stories in the works. One is definitely flash fiction. The other two will most likely be longer short stories, with one teetering on the edge of possibly becoming a novella. 


This month, I’m going to work on figuring out my UWP = Unique Writer Proposition. (See James Scott Bell’s post over at The Kill Zone.).



Some recent reads I’ve thoroughly enjoyed -  

The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon – historical fiction 

Nightwatching by Tracy Sierra – mystery/thriller

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston – mystery/thriller



My husband and I are almost done – one and half seasons to go! - with our re-watch of “24”, the original series. We’ve also started re-watching “LA Law” and “The Stand”, the original miniseries. 




Have you returned to an old way of doing something? Revisited something you enjoyed in the past? How is your creative work going? Read or watched anything good lately? 



  1. Three stories in the works - that's great!
    My wife and I are watching early seasons of Face Off. We loved the show but somehow missed the first three seasons.

    1. Thanks, Alex! The trick now is to actually finish those stories. :)

  2. That's great that you have three writing projects you're working on. I'm revising my manuscript. And I'm finishing up Heartland on Netflix.

    1. Thank you, Natalie! Good luck with your revisions!

      Heartland doesn't sound familiar to me. I'll have to check it out!

  3. The biggest fallacy that I hear too often is"if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life". What a crock.

    If you have a hobby that you love and it becomes a business; you work four times as hard as normal cubicle dwellers.

    You become very introspective, because everything has to be perfect. You betray yourself every time something slips by.

    I am self employed with something that was once a hobby, I know; it can burn you out quickly.

    My attempts at balance are to go in new directions, switch the genre you read, watch TV crap you never have before, anything to shake the tree and make some fruit land at my feet.

    I hope you can get back on your creative feet and find some fresh air to fill your lungs with. Right now I have started to read Carol Higgins Clark's stuff. It is simple, brainless, with a dry sense of humor; maybe it is doing me well, mentally. Physically, I feel like I am falling apart, it is all one step forward and two steps back, but I can't let myself fall too far, it is like doing something less than my best in my job; the one that was more fun as a hobby.

    1. I'm an introspective introvert with perfectionist tendencies so it's not all fun and games in my brain. :)

      My creative feet are wiggling their toes in the sands of stories. So far, so good!

      Hang in there, Craig!

    2. I loved LA Law! Corbin Bernsen was great there, and in Psych.

      Don't worry about why you do something. If you find joy, bring it into your life and keep doing it until you can't stop smiling.

      Anna from elements of emaginette

    3. I forgot he was on Psych!

      Hmm, what if chocolate cake brings me joy . . . :)

  4. You brought me down memory lane, watching LA Law with my late husband so very many years ago! Good luck with your UWP.

    1. I hope it was a nice stroll, Liza. :)

      The UWP isn't going all that well, but I think part of that is because I struggle seeing what I actually do well. In writing and in life. :o

  5. I am intrigued about what a UWP is. I'll have to head over there next and find out.

    Enjoy your meandering down memory lane. I revisit shows and books from time to time, especially when I'm trying to recapture a mood I recall feeling when first watched/read it.

    My significant others *loves* the original miniseries of The Stand.

    1. With the UWP, I keep getting stuck on making a tagline, but I'm not sure it has to be, really.

      Did he ever watch the remake of The Stand? I watched the preview, but didn't watch the miniseries. I can't see any other actors in the roles. Gary Sinise! Rob Lowe! Just to name two. :)

  6. I love rewatching my favorite shows, especially movies like The Greatest Showman or the series Galavant. It feels good, and sometimes, you just need the comfort.

    1. Yes on rewatching movies, too! We rewatch Jaws every Fourth of July. :)

  7. I've been revisiting a lot of older shows that I once enjoyed. There's so little new content. It's all reality or contest shows and I don't enjoy either.

    1. I think that's it for us, too. Just not enjoying a lot of the new content. Or, if we did enjoy them, they're over now, or they came back kind of flat, etc. We do enjoy some reality shows, like Survivor.

  8. This post resonates with me since revisiting what I have enjoyed has been my path as well. I had not put it in these words though and didn't realize that's what I was doing. I love that you're revisiting 24. What a great series that was. Remember when people arranged their schedules to get home in time for the next episode?

    1. I absolutely remember arranging schedules to be able to sit down and watch certain shows! My husband and I would watch "Prison Break" at 8 pm then "24" at 9 pm - it took me forever to calm down enough to get to sleep. :)

  9. I often meander back to things familiar. Shows, books...even recipes.

    1. I hadn't thought about the recipes before, but yes, that is so true for me, too.
